About 20 students, faculty, and friends showed up to watch the Food Network debut of Kenny Poling and Lucina Vance (1st year Culinary and Pastry & Baking students). The crowd cheered when they first caught a glimpse of their classmates on the big screen TV in the Falcon Center.
Everyone watched intently to see if they could make dinner "possible" for approximately 500 people. The menu consisted of Italian and Greek favorites selected by the mother of Michael Symon, the show's star.
Kenny spent most his day making the apple crumb dessert. Lucinda helped make some of the 600 meatballs needed for the day. Lucinda said, "It was very exciting, because the chef (Michael Symon) was literally one foot away from me, and Marc Summers was in the production crew." Kenny said, "I'll never get that experience again. It was once in a lifetime, and I'm quite excited it got to happen."
You can learn more about the new Food Network "stars" by clicking on the What's on the Menu section of this blog and viewing the WBOY story.
Congrats to Kenny & Lucinda!
Cast Iron CookOff Weekend Part Two
12 years ago